
What is Mindfulness?

By: Nathalie Heynderickx and Zen Goh In my last 10 days silent retreat I asked Pra Manah, a senior Thai Buddhist monk who has been my mindfulness teacher for 12 years, how he would define mindfulness. His answer was simple: “It is a quality of a well-trained consciousness.” The English word mindfulness...


Is your mind a wild or tamed horse?

Prah Mana, a Thai monk from the Buddhist Theravada tradition, has been my mindfulness teacher for 14 years. A couple of years ago, during a silent retreat, he shared this story: The Budha was begging for food in a village and met a Wild horse trainer. Wild Horse Trainer: Why don’t you...


The 5 Obstacles of Meditation

As Chade-Meng Tan, former Google engineer and author of Search Inside Yourself, said: Even an engineer can thrive on Emotional Intelligence. However, I often hear people saying "I would love to learn how to meditate but it is not for me! My mind is too busy" or "I can't sit still." or "I always...


What is the Mind? Part 1.

Prior to start cultivating a mindfulness practice, it is important to reflect, understand and define a common language on what the mind actually is. Google defines the mind as: "The element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and their experiences, to think, and to...


What is the Mind? Part 2.

The quote below may be tragicomic but it is how many people feel about their minds. My mind is like a web browser. 19 tabs open, 3 are frozen and I have no idea where the music is coming from. Dr. Dan Siegel, a Neuropsychiatrist, Neurobiologist and Mindfulness teacher, discovered that 95%...


What is Mindset?

Mindset can be defined as the range of attitudes, beliefs, values and expectations we hold about ourselves, the people around us and our environment. It influences our perceptions, our decisions, how we live our lives and how we experience the world. It is usually a by-product of our experiences in life,...


A Welcome Letter to FEAR

Extracted from BIG MAGIC, written by incredibly talented and blessed Elizabeth Gilbert. "Dearest Fear Creativity and I are about to go on a Road trip together. I understand you'll be joining us, because you always do. I acknowledge that you believe you have an important job to do in my life,...


Why Mindset Matters

As the Chinese Philosopher Lao-Tzu said... Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny. Our mindset determines not only what and how we think, but more importantly, how we behave; and therefore,...


Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset

I recently published the articles WHAT IS MINDSET and WHY MINDSET MATTERS. In this piece I'd like to explore the Fixed and Growth Mindset theory developed by Dr. Carol Dweck, PhD, Professor of Psychology at Stanford University. The initial focus of Dweck’s research was to explore her students' ability to cope with failure...

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